Pack Your Trip

A mobile website to help you pack for your trip!

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I love traveling. But I hate packing! It always takes me so much time and energy to think what should I wear and what should I bring. So I build this website app to help me pack!

Setup The Trip


By choosing destination, it shows the weather condition to give you a little preview.


The reason why I want user to input the trip duration instead of return date is that we usually plan the trip by days. And while we are packing, we think of how much clothes we need and change for how many days, rather than the actual date.

Trip Type

It can be a business trip or a casual trip; either gets to decide the style, type of clothes or things you needs. Select one or both to affect the packing list.

Apparel Reference

I want the website to generate a packing list according to user's needs, saving user's time and energy to search local weather and think about if they should wear long-sleeve shirt or sweater.

However,there is no absolute answer to know user's sense to temperature. When it's 60°F, I might be wearing sweater while there will be people wearing short-sleeve shirts. It really depends on individual's sensation to temperature!

So I make this "survey" to ask user's current dress under the current weather condition to setup it as a reference.

Pack Your Trip

Packing List

Based on the user input, destination, trip days, and trip type, it gives you the packing list! Including the clothes and essentials. Ideally, user should be able to add or delete items, modify the quantity as well, but I didn't make the full function in the prototype.

Apparel Suggestion

It's a side function to show suggestion on daily dress coordination for different trip type. Business look or casual look based on daily weather condition.

The Problem

The idea is to build up the website for mobile screen to generate a packing list to save user's time and energy. It happens to me every time I go travel, especially to some where I am not familiar with. I don't know the weather, I don't know if it's windy or is it raining regularly. So usually I spend a lot of time searching information, checking the weather to find out what I should bring or weather. And it is exhausting! So I think it would be great if there is a app that does all of these and generate the packing list for me.

However, when I started to build, problems kept popping out. Personal preference, laundry during the trip, multiple destinations, special occasion or event, etc. And don't forget the weather forecast! As we all know, weather changes frequently, the packing list which is generated two days ago might be different from the one generated the night before the trip. But you can't "let" user to pack just before the trip. Maybe setting up an alarm while there's huge change on weather condition is a choice. There's lots of to take into consideration, like customization, preference... and it also need well thought out Algorism.

Pack Your Trip

Best viewed with mobile screen size browser.

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