What toDo

Online todo lottery website

Todo list can never be fun, I always feel stressed to see the whole list, especially when it's long. I wish sometimes it can just tell me what to do! So, I build this to combine "toDo app" and "lottery system"! Based on your toDo list and how long the individual task takes, "What toDo" will randomize a toDo for you. Works just like todo lottery!

todo Task Lottery Fun

Randomly picks a task for you in just ONE tap!

Provide login system for you to create your own account and start building your task list!

Tell me what to do!

Base on the request (time, task type), randomly picks a task for you!

Accept the result or rerun the lottery is up to you.

Keep Records of your actions

Every action you make will be saved, including add, delete, complete.

On Activity page, you can check the action detail and when it was taken.

Add + Delete

Filter + Search

What toDo

Best viewed with desktop browsers.